Jinnah's Ideals
“Balochistan can only exist in Pakistan politically, geographically and economically, it will be in the interest of the people of Balochistan to join the Pakistan Constituent Assembly for it is Pakistan alone that can help them in their educational, social, economic and political uplift. I can assure the people of Balochistan that in Pakistan all classes and interests will get even justice and fair play and I hope that they will not be misled by the propaganda of our enemies, putting class against class and one particular interest against another.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: Vote solidly for Pakistan Constituent Assembly

Deeper reflections
The shared Islamic ideal of the oneness of Allah, yoked together the different muslim ethnicities in the South Asian subcontinent, including our noble Baloch people, to claim their nationhood and create Pakistan.
Our Baloch brethren fought for Pakistan because Mr. Jinnah consistently advocated for providing equal autonomy to all provinces, he asserted that reforms should be introduced in Balochistan on the same footings as in the other provinces and no change will be made in the constitution without the consent of the province. (Read more on Mr. Jinnah’s 14 points.)
Pakistan is the natural home of Balochistan. The promise of overcoming colonial neglect, uplifting the people and providing justice and fairplay is the basis of national cohesion. This promise, thus far, remains unfulfilled. There are massive human right violations, widespread enforced disappearances targeting students, activists, journalists and human rights defenders. People are wrenched away from their loved ones by state officials or others acting on their behalf, placing them outside the protection of the law. The authorities then deny the person is in their custody or refuse to say where they are. Families of the disappeared are plunged into a state of anguish, trying to keep the flame of hope alive while fearing the worst. Many have been in this limbo for years. Some recorded examples of these forced disappearances include Dr Deen Mohammad, Zahid Baloch, Shabbir Baloch, Hani Gul and Mohammad Naseem Baloch, Hassan Qambrani, Rashid Hussain Brohi and numerous others*.
*source: Amnesty International
There are active and wide “kill and dump” operations across Balochistan where people have been abducted and killed and their bodies abandoned. Assailants have also carried out targeted killings of opposition leaders and activists. Human Rights Watch has extensively documented enforced disappearances by Pakistan's security forces in Balochistan, including several cases in which those "disappeared" have been found dead.
Balochistan is a terrible mess and authorities have alienated their own people. All of this has given fuel to the Indian propaganda and military machine that works day and night to disintegrate Pakistan. Pakistan can reclaim its lost moral ground by rediscovering its original historic promises of social, political, economic and educational uplift of the people of Balochistan. If vast wealth and prosperity is generated in Balochistan, if the Baloch people lead a good life, what reason is there for separatist sentiments to take root? Does common sense not dictate that repressive measures further fuel separatist elements? Increasing income per capita in Balochistan, improving healthcare, substantially enhancing the level of education and transforming Quetta into a modern metropolis is the way forward.
Justice and fairplay towards our Baloch brethren is key for socio-economic integration. Does the Baloch not feel that the Punjabi is more empowered in Pakistan than he? Do the Baloch people not feel their human rights are being violated and they will not receive justice from the state of Pakistan? For national unity, it is important that every member of every province feel that justice prevails.
Let reverence for the laws, be nurtured by every Pakistani mother, to the lisping baby, that cuddles in her lap - let it be taught in schools, in madrassas, and in colleges; let it be written in textbooks, spelling books, and in newspapers; let it be preached from the minbar, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice. If we uphold justice for our Baloch brethren, we can say with confidence that Providence is with us in our national mission of achieving Balochistan’s destined progress.
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