Equality in Political Status
Jinnah's Ideals
“I have thought and thought, considered and pondered over the ways and means of improving the lot of our people in this Province and of enabling them to secure for themselves the same position and the same political status within the polity of Pakistan, which are open to their brethren in other provinces as far as they could be brought about as practical propositions.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: New Era of Progress for Baluchistan
- Context: Speech at Sibi Durbar

Deeper reflections
Balochistan is considered a “lagging province” with chronically low economic output compared to national averages. The western provinces of China, the Northeast of India, the Southern States of Mexico, the West of Argentina, the Northeast of Thailand and the Northeast of Brazil are comparable examples of regions with sluggish growth and similar social problems as we see in Balochistan.
Balochistan has the highest land mass in the country which is rich in minerals and natural resources. The natural (sui) gas from Balochistan fueled Pakistan’s industrialization, yet the budget allocation for the province is the lowest in the country. Pakistan has grown into a semi-industrialized economy with Karachi and Punjab being the main economic and urban centers, while remaining provinces and regions have remained largely rural and agro-based economies.
National government is largely determined by Punjab and Karachi, and for this reason Balochsitan continues to suffer neglect. The tragedy of post-colonial states has been that they have not successfully created new values, ethos and culture to overcome colonial neglect.
However, Balochistan will no longer be at the periphery of economic and institutional development. The People of Pakistan are inspired with an undaunted national spirit and unprecedented national unity and vow to place Balochistan at the center of national economic growth.
Creating stable and secure conditions for economic progress
Facism stimulates separatism. The separatists draw sustenance from the excesses of fascist elements and brutal use of force. The fascist elements will expand and their values will become institutionalized through their growing participation in the repression of alleged “separatist” and “threats” to national security. Thus separatism would derive its increasing popularity from the growth of fascism, and fascism its justification from the existence of separatists.
To build a prosperous Balochistan, the People of Pakistan will end this cycle by pressuring our government and army to establish a deep and sustained regard for human rights by permanently disbanding death squads, stopping extrajudicial executions and ending forced disappearance. Further, the provincial composition of the command ranks in the officers corps of the army and the air force will include more of our Baloch brethren.
Prosperity through innovation
Every province in Pakistan has the potential for extraordinary growth within it. We will democratize existing products from mature markets by making them more affordable and accessible via a scalable and profitable business model. This democratization of existing products and services to a wide base of non-consumers will pull-in new infrastructures and regulations and create new local jobs. Our energies will focus on market-creating innovation to build up a prosperous Balochistan, where every Baloch feels proud to call Pakistan their home and their nation.
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Mr. Jinnah's promise to Balochistan for joining Pakistan was based on educational, social, economic and political uplift.
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