Complete the Task in the Face of Difficulties
Jinnah's Ideals
“During this period, we have not so far seen a single day of peace. We have had to face calamities -- the parallel of which is not known in the history of the world. But we have not remained idle. We are struggling to complete the task in the face of difficulties which we had no way of anticipating when the Partition of India was agreed upon.”
- Mr. Jinnah / Quaid-e-Azam
- Speech: New Era of Progress for Baluchistan
Deeper reflections
The calamities Pakistan had to face since its inception were unprecedented. Mr. Jinnah responded by providing courage and meaning to the citizens of Pakistan who had just endured violent attacks of extreme carnage that horrifically erupted during the partition, raising funds and resources for the millions of people who had migrated to Pakistan by sacrificing all and leaving behind their properties, fortunes and resources and establishing a firm financial footing for Pakistan despite not receiving its rightful share of funds from India.
Within one year -- Mr. Jinnah was able to embolden national spirits, end the national budget with a surplus and establish the Quaid-e-Azam relief fund in response to the refugee crisis.
In this national history of success lies a lesson that we must continue our collective struggle of fulfilling our national duties in the face of odds, difficulties and interferences.
The citizens of Pakistan are aware that Balochistan’s uplift and progress are not devoid of grave dangers and odds from national-separatist elements, criminal Indian interference, and backward provincialist political forces.
The national will of the citizens of Pakistan is to defeat and outmanoeuvre all difficulties and achieve our united goal of economic, political, social and educational uplift of the people of Balochistan.
We aspire to resolve the socio-economic grievances of Balochistan, maximize provincial autonomy equal to all other provinces, build smart sustainable cities in Balochistan, develop a culture of critical thinking fueled by world-class education, invest in the health of the Pakistani citizens in Balochistan and carve out a model of accelerated progress as an example to the world.
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Mr. Jinnah's promise to Balochistan for joining Pakistan was based on educational, social, economic and political uplift.
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